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10 th -Mr. Hou, Wei Zheng


Outstanding alumnus:Mr. Hou, Wei Zheng

Current Position:

Executive Vice President of TJR Precision Technology Co., Ltd. 


Outstanding Performance:
  1. President of the Taiping Rotary 1213 Club.

  2. Director of the Nantou Association.

  3. Saxophone band leader of the Rotary Club of Taiping.

  4. A Saxophone busker who plays at the New Era Art Resort & Spa in Puli every Sunday. He also plays at Nan-tou Carrefour every month to raise money for the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation and the Nan-tou Charity Association where he has been a long-term volunteer.

  5. The first Supervisor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Alumni Foundation, National Chin-Yi University.




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