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What are the extension numbers of the Dean of General Affairs and the director of each division?

  1. Dean of General Affairs: Mr. Ou (ext. 2500、2503)
  2. Director of General Affairs Section: Mr. Lai (ext. 2510)
  3. Director of Construction and Maintenance Section: Mr. Liao (ext. 2555)
  4. Director of Documentation Section: Ms., Shi (ext. 2561)
  5. Director of Cashier Section: Ms. Huang (ext. 2531)
  6. Director of Property Management Section: Ms. Peng (ext. 2520)


What functions does the Office of General Affairs perform daily?

The Office of General Affairs comprises of five sections in charge of the University’s general affairs and administration, Construction and Maintenance Section, General Affairs Section, Property Management Section, Cashier Section and Documentation Section.

  1. General Affairs section: This Section maintains the environment, manages venues, procures equipment.
  2. Construction and Maintenance Section: This Section builds and maintains the school buildings and the water and electricity utilities.
  3. Property Management Section: This Section manages the campus, school buildings, dormitories, and financial properties.
  4. Cashier Section: This Section collects money and facilitates various payments.
  5. Documentation Section: This Secion handles official documents, files and letters.


How does an individual not residing in R.O.C territory (including one not entering Taiwan) withhold income tax?

  1. 20% tax will be withheld from a person residing in Taiwan for less than 183 days with an income of more than NT$5,000 (included); 6% from a person with a salary of less than NT$39,600; 18% from a person with a salary of more than NT$39,600.
  2. For people staying in Taiwan for more than 183 days, the tax rate is based on that of a Taiwanese citizen.
  3. Ms. Wu at Cashier Section is the person in charge (ext. 2535).


When is a part-time lecturer’s hourly pay given?

  1. After the department confirms the part-time courses without mistakes, the Office of Academic Affairs will inform the Cashier Section to pay the wage monthly according to teaching hours.
  2. In general, the hour pay for each month will be issued given next month. (The hour pay for the first month of each semester will be given with the second month of each semester.

         Ms. Lai at Cashier Section is the person in charge (ext. 2533).


What are the channels to contact the Office of General Affairs?

  1. E-mail of the Office of General Affairs:oga@ncut.edu.tw
  2. Online Reporting Service: http://oga.ncut.edu.tw/p/412-1054-1963.php?Lang=zh-tw
  3.  Ms. Tsou at the Office of General Affairs is the person in charge (ext. 2501).
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